This year we celebrated and studied our very own South Carolina
reptiles and amphibians.

Students learned about the Spotted Salamander, our
state amphibian.

And the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, our state reptile.

They visited the bullfrogs.

I love to see girls playing with frogs!

Our friend the Barred Salamander made his yearly
guest appearance. :)

Hopefully with a little education we saved a few
snakes from being killed by uneducated humans.

Click Here to join me in the Center for Snake Conservation annual
snake count May 12-20th.
Click Here to join Frogwatch USA or attend the Frogs Day
at the Greenville Zoo from 9-2pm April 28th, 2012
or for even more fun call 355-8906 to register for a great,
free program at Roper Mt. Science Center RSVP by April 24.
What Frog Calls Tell Us (Amphibian Conservation in the Piedmont)
On "Save the Frogs Day", join herpetologists from USC
Upstate to learn how to use frog calls to investigate the
status of amphibian populations in the Piedmont.
Participants will then go on a field trip to
Lake Conestee Nature Park to listen to frog calls
and monitor amphibian populations.Date & Time: Sat.,
April 28, 6-9 pm (Includes car pooling to
Lake Conestee Nature Park)
Place: Ecology Lab in Hall of Natural Science
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